Facts and figures

Employee numbers
Total budget

Employee numbers

The total number of employees at Fraunhofer IGP rose to 244 in 2022, with the majority of our scientists holding a degree in engineering or industrial engineering or a Master of Science. The work of the Fraunhofer team is supported by a total of 114 research assistants and, as in the previous years, the team will be joined by three trainees. In cooperation with the chairs of manufacturing technology and joining engineering, eight university employees work closely with Fraunhofer IGP in both research and education.

Earnings and total budget

Earnings for 2022 amounted to a total of EUR 12,3 million. With economic returns of 35,4%, budget targets were also once again achieved in 2022. The Fraunhofer Institute in Rostock also maintained a balanced budget in 2022, with a positive carry-over. The overall budget continued to show steady growth.